The aviation revolution will not be live, instead it will electrified – at least that’s what that’s what Marc Ausman of aircraft pioneers thinks.  According to the aerospace expert we are now standing at the third stage of the aviation revolution. The first great leap upwards came with the Wright brothers, the second was literally jet propelled and if Ausman’s team succeeds we are now we are on the cusp of electric aviation becoming a mainstream reality.


That reality comes in the form of the first  electric Short-Take-Off and Landing (eSTOL) aircraft designed for middle-mile logistics, an approach Airflow say is cheaper than using roads. And they should know – the team behind eSTOL are five former Airbus Vahana team members, who have over 60 years of combined aerospace experience and left the European firm to pursue their dreams of the possibilities of eSTOL aircraft for  the Urban Air Mobility market.

At one third the cost of vertical take-off aircraft eSTOL has a running jump on its competition and while Airflow hasn’t given a target date for commercial take-off of their project the revolution could be coming your way soon.